
HealthLink Construction
Easy Walk-in Reversible Tub Conversions Using Your Existing Tub
When the team at HealthLink Construction found this remarkable breakthrough in tub-to-shower conversions,
we knew immediately that we wanted to offer this amazing product to our clients and we are proud to have
become the exclusive provider of this service to the Houston/Katy/South Texas area. Prior to the
introduction of the Tubcut System, tub conversions were accomplished by cutting out a section of the tub
and capping the opening with a preformed cap or insert of a fixed width and a fixed depth of only nine
inches or so. Typically, the plastic caps are attached to the tub with caulk only, and they frequently
leak. More importantly, the 'lip' or overhang of the cap can pose a potential tripping hazard especially
with a cut that is often not deep enough for easy clearance. HealthLink never offered this type of system
because these restrictions and potential problems made this method questionable at best. With the Tubcut
System, the cutout becomes an integral part of the tub with a seamless, factory appearance that is both
functional and attractive as well as being completely reversible.
The TubcuT™ is the simple, effective and affordable solution to accessibility problems in
the bath at approximately 80% less than the cost of remodeling. The TubcuT™ process works
with your existing tub whether it is fiberglass, steel, or cast iron. Soaking tubs, whirlpools,
deck-mounted, or tiled-in tubs are all easily accommodated with the TubcuT™. The step-thru
opening is handcrafted from high quality components that are shaped right on the job site
and are bonded for a custom fit. This process makes it possible to match any tub's contour
and it can be sized to your specifications making the lowest step possible and the opening
as wide or as narrow as needed. The finishing touch is an airbrushed spray finish that matches
the tub making the cutout a durable and easy to clean structural component of the tub. In one
day, HealthLink can give you the accessibility and independence in the bath that you deserve
and your tub will be ready to use the next morning. Remarkably, the TubcuT™ is also completely
reversible. If the TubcuT™ is no longer needed, the cutout can be replaced and your tub restored
to its original condition. Finally, the TubcuT™ is available in widths from 18" to 44" and
can also be used with custom glass shower doors if desired.
The benefits of the TubcuT™
- It is reversible! The section of
the tub that is removed can be re-installed in the future.
- It is versatile! The TubcuT™
can be installed in any tub - fiberglass, steel, and cast iron - with a "factory" finish.
- It is a time saver! The TubcuT™
installs in less than a day.
- It is affordable! The TubcuT™
can be installed for 80% less than the cost of tearing out a bath tub and replacing it with
a walk-in shower.
 >Bath tub before the conversion
 After the TubcuT installation
See more of our work on
Don't be fooled or settle for an inferior product! There are inferior tub conversions and
imitators out there. These imposters will cut out a section of the tub and then cap the opening
with a pre-formed cap or insert of a fixed width and a fixed, limited, depth. Typically, these
plastic caps are attached to the tub with caulk only, and they frequently leak. More importantly,
the 'lip' or overhang of the cap can pose a potential tripping hazard especially with a cut that
is often not deep enough for easy clearance. HealthLink never offered this type of system because
these restrictions and potential problems made this method questionable at best. Additionally,
the cap-type systems look like cheap after-market modifications.
Insist on the original TubcuT™ in your home. With the TubcuT™ system, the cutout becomes an
integral part of the tub with a seamless, factory appearance that is both functional and attractive
as well as being completely reversible.
Construction • 1718 Fry Road, Suite 215 • Houston, TX
77084 - email: info@hldllc.com - Voice
281 578-3712 • Fax 281 578-1582